Parental Leave Case Study | Interview Nicola Taylor CEO Tax Traders

Parental Leave Case Study (July 2023)

Interview by Crayon of Nicola Taylor, CEO Tax Traders New Zealand


It was not the first time Nicola Taylor caught our attention for her leadership and position on parental leave.

Truth to be told, it has been a year since we “scouted” her to become one of our documentary participants. Back then, while our conversation confirmed our assumptions she would be a terrific woman leader and mother to put under the spotlight, interviews like this one from Crayon - the most comprehensive database of employer parental leave policies in Aotearoa New Zealand - bolstered our intentions.

In moments like this, you wish funding were no object and the camera was already rolling.

You have an exceptionally generous policy by NZ standards, particularly given the size of your business - paid parental leave of 6 months for both parents. Does it make financial sense? Where do you see the financial returns?

It makes human sense first and foremost, and then it makes sense from a societal and business view as a force for good. This is the motivation. The research around paternity leave is fascinating - for every month a dad takes parental leave, the mother’s earnings are almost 7% higher 4 years down the track.

This is a business policy directly contributing to the issues of gender equity.
— 🖐🏾🎤 Nicola Taylor

We will continue to work effortlessly for Nicola’s story and others to be brought up in front of your screens. In the meantime, needless to say, you’re encouraged to read her full interview.

Claire Thiveyrat

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