Podcast Interview: Claire Pellegrino

Get Woke Wellington Podcast Episode | Claire Pellegrino | 23:39 min

Last October 2022, Claire - our producer - had the honour of being interviewed for a podcast series “Get Woke Wellington” brought to you by the Wellington Branch of New Zealand's National Council of Women.

Tune in to learn about our journey. Find out more about our motivations behind the documentary, how it started and what we’re trying to achieve.

This episode can be listened to:

Ngā mihi maioha - thank you for your support to Ayesha Asif and Harita Gandhi-Kashyap from the NCW Wellington branch who kindly hosted this interview as well as Access Radio.

Claire Thiveyrat

Hi, I’m Claire - I supercharge service providers with tech + creative skills to amplify their brand or diversify their revenue streams. Clarify your message to reach your ideal clients, boost your web marketing, get a digital facelift or create an online course - I’ll be the co-pilot to your online venture.


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